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Social Therapy

Our social therapy offers specialized support to individuals aiming to enhance their social communication skills, fostering more confident and meaningful interactions.

  • Social Communication Disorder (SCD) in children is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent difficulties in using verbal and nonverbal communication effectively within social interactions. These challenges encompass interpreting facial expressions, gestures, and emotional tones, leading to a struggle in understanding others' intentions and emotions accurately.

    Children with SCD often respond inappropriately due to their difficulty in grasping social cues. Maintaining conversations, comprehending humor, and adapting communication to different contexts become challenging, affecting their ability to interact successfully with peers and adults. As they navigate school and daily life, these difficulties can hinder the development of friendships and collaborative skills.

    • Children with social communication disorder

    • Children with ADHD / ADD

    • Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

    • Children with developmental delay

  • During childhood, the ability to effectively communicate and interact with others is essential for forming relationships, making friends, and participating in various activities. Children who struggle with social communication difficulties may face challenges in understanding social cues, expressing themselves clearly, and interpreting emotions, which can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and low self-esteem.

    Early intervention through social communication therapy can make a significant impact by helping children develop essential skills such as active listening, turn-taking, reading nonverbal cues, and appropriately expressing thoughts and emotions. These skills not only improve their ability to connect with peers, teachers, and family members but also enhance their overall quality of life.

  • Our social communication therapy approach for children is designed to offer maximum effectiveness through tailored strategies and diverse settings:

    Tailored therapy settings: Our therapy caters to different learning styles. We offer structured 1:1 sessions for focused guidance, while also providing unstructured settings for children who benefit from exploration and self-directed learning.

    Group therapy for skill application: Group therapy plays a pivotal role in our approach. Children get the chance to apply the social skills they've learned in a real-world context, interacting with peers to practice communication within a supportive environment.

    Involvement of Families and Professionals: Recognizing the importance of a holistic approach, we actively engage families, siblings, and professionals who interact with the child. This collaborative effort ensures that acquired skills are seamlessly integrated into their daily lives.